Saturday, March 8, 2008

Same old, same old

I really don't have much to talk about. I am just not a topic type person. I don't have anything ever clever to write about (well occasionally) lol.

So I will just babble some more :- )

Animals are all fine. Harley was being a brat today, so he got locked out of the barn for 40 mins. He came back in and was a perfect gentlemen after that : ) (160lb Rottweiller)
I can seriously say the with 5 breeds of dogs. My favorite is Rottweiller, Shih Ztu, and Flat Coated Retriever. I love Luke, and Ben(my parents Yellow Lab) are nice dogs. But I wouldn't have another of those breeds(Golden Retriever and Yellow Lab). Star has some German Shepherd in her so it makes her aggressive towards strangers which I don't like. We all joke that if we walk Star and Harley, people move around us because of Harley when it is really Star they should be worried about (lol). I am really not a small dog person-- not that I have anything against small dogs I think they are adorable. BUT! I find small dogs I have to worry about more(around the cows) and at least ours hates the outside/cold/rain. Whereas the big dogs will lay outside in the snow and rain(not because they have to but because they like to) and they can just handle it more. I guess I'm just a big dog person. However, I will always have a small dog, and probably always a shih ztu. Next favorite would be a Pomeranian but the Shih tzu seems a bit less fu-fu lol!

Anyway onto rabbits. They are all fine. We got the middle of the barn organized this morning. We just have to sweep tomorrow morning, and we did regular cleaning. Ranger(Jersey wooly) found a great pet home with a really nice family. I think he will be very happy!

I just have a few more JErseys to sell, and I am willing to negotiate on price... And make package deals.... : )

Champagnes are doing fantastic. Really a fun breed of rabbit. We have a litter coming around the 18th that we are both looking forward too. Nice sweet rabbits! Good eaters too ( sarcastically mutters at those Jerseys for being picky eaters!). The rabbits that are good eaters are in excellent flesh condition, rabbits that are not good eaters are in poor flesh condition it makes sense, and it drives me nuts! It is not that they don't like the feed they just aren't big eaters. This last batch of feed was bagged the day before we bought it! Super fresh! However, Jerseys eat what Jerseys want. So some will clean 1/2 a cup of pellets, others barely 1/4.

Tomorrow we have the 4-H club coming, Stan and Kathy are bringing our trio of Champagnes, Andrea is likely coming to the farm, and possibly Jody as well.. It is going to be one heck of a busy day! Maybe they will all take rabbits home with them ;) hint, hint guys!!

1 comment:

M an' M Rabbitry said...

smoke pearl? According to the picture the kit looks like a blue tort to me...but that could just be the lighting...