Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Long time, no blog! Whirlwind month!

Well, it has been a very busy month as it is for many people. Last week on top of baking for our grandma, Cristina starting a new website for a Timberframe company, and I working for Patterson trucking for a couple of days it was just nuts! Last Thursday we met up with Ingrid and Sylvia at Fast Eddies in Naniamo for lunch and they picked up 12 rabbits! That was nice. Lots more cage space- all fuzzy lops and mini rex, and a jersey wooly as well. Then on top of it Saturday was our big Christmas party, so we were busy getting things prepared for it on Friday. Saturday on top of running around going crazy doing last minute things we did all the outside decorations and lights. Then we ran and fed rabbits, came home got changed and company started arriving. We all had a great time, wish we could have invited more people but 20 people in our house it just comfortable and anymore gets way too crowded(our house is tall but not wide, lol)

We had a very lazy Sunday morning but got to the barn as Dot and Dash our 2 rescued barn kittens from this summer went to there new home : ) They got a great home in Saanich with a couple of horses and 40 acres to play in!

Yesterday we headed to Naniamo and did some Christmas shopping then we headed to Nanoose to clean cages for Andrea and Wally, then off to Staples and grabbed dinner, then we stopped at the house to check on the Tigerlily(kitten) as she came down with a cat cold(vet said basically like a human cold but because she is so young and with a bit of this virus couldn't be vaccinated like all the other cats are yet. so on Friday on top of everything else she went to the vet(forgot to mention that one) and is on some antibotics. Doing great though. then off to our Aunt and Uncles to drop gifts off to them before they head to Hawaii for Christmas! Then visited until 9:30 then finally the poor bunnies got fed! Then off to Crofton to pick our mom up from work, and then home.. It was a VERY busy day and that has been how the whole month has worked..

Last weekend(the 8th weekend) we moved the TV room from upstairs to downstairs so had to move all our computers and equipment downstairs, and moved the dining room into the tv room upstairs. Cleaned all the carpets as Luke got into red food coloring(yes it was a diaster!). And then we re-arranged other rooms in the house as well.

Today I am working on my aunts DVD's to drop off to her tomorrow, and then we have a bunch of stops to make this week- need to stock up on feed, dog food, make sure we have enough cat food, make up the rest of the baking gifts and then of course barn cleaning etc, etc! Selina arrives from Yellowknife on Sunday the 23rd at 10pm in Victoria. So anyone wanting to see her come by on the 24th, 25th, or 26th, or early on the 27th :- ) As we leave on the night of the 27th for Vancouver and then off to Alberta until the 3rd. I can't believe how fast this month has gone!

Now rabbit wise... All is well. Not much to report. Had 2 JW litters that unfortunetly one was born on the wire, and the other the doe just didn't pull enough fur. I have I think 4-5 does due on Christmas day : ) I am going to breed 4-5 more this week as well! Some really nice shaded and self babies out there right now that are almost ready to be weaned! Otherwise not much else new JW wise- they are being very spoiled this winter- there treat mix consists of:
Dairy Text which is basically like cob but a little sweeter and a little higher in fat with added vitamins mixed with ground flax, flatted barley, alfalfa pellets, and fast track(what they use for horses that colic) a bunch of us breeders are trying it out to see if it helps with those babies that get upset stomachs. Too soon to tell yet for us!

Anyway, I have to go but there is at least an update : )

Oh, and yeterday while we were Shopping Dillon picked up his last 3 mini rex, as well : )
My dogs and cats got very spoiled for Christmas. The cats got a 12 pack of mice as well as a bunch of organic canned food(salmon and turkey mainly). The dogs got a huge 2 1/2 foot tall bone, a bunch of treats and marrowbones(liver treats, soft treats, hard treats lol). And I am going to buy some pig ears on the weekend as well for them(they LOVE those!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Adding pedigrees, barn chores, etc

I'm really stuck on what to write about. I really need to figure that out ASAP. About the 20th of December through the 5th of January is going to be so nuts around here that I don't know we will get any blogs done. We leave the night of December 27th for Vancouver where we stay in a hotel which takes us to the airport the next day. Then from there we fly to Canmore Alberta(well Calgary first) but head to Canmore and Banff for 7 days!

I got a whole bunch of pedigrees added to Evan's software last night. I still have lots more to do but it is finally a start. Most the mini rex are now gone, the rest leaving next Thursday and then next Monday so I was able to move everything around and start organizing my VERY messy pedigree book!!

Yesterday I was able to get the lower barn cleaned(it is easy to do) for its weekly cleaning(well we try to do bi-weekly for both barns but with only 18 holes now in the lower barn we end up usually only getting to that barn once a week. Anyway, got it cleaned and all the pans thrown in the scrap metal bin. (the pans that came with the cages from Laura, but since I converted the lower barn into only one side having double layers I've ordered 3 pans like we use in the upper barn for that barn. And because a bunch of cages are empty down there right now, I was able to just keep a couple of pans for that side. So we only have 4 more pans to get rid of after this! Yeah! I really need to do cage pictures today for Leanne(incase she reads this)! it has been mucky and yesterday poured with rain.. today looks nice!

Well I hope to do more pedigrees tonight. I bought a computer game called Farm Frenzy. it is very fun to play BUT! It is addictive. Night before last I spent 4 hours playing the dumb game. I gave myself 30 mins last night and I think I won't play it tonight. Last night I did get a bunch of various things done around the house.. I really need to clean my bedroom too!! Yuck!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A beautiful white wonderland

It started snowing around 10:30 yesterday morning, and it is STILL snowing! We have over 13inches of snow(almost a foot!). Although, it is supposed to stop snowing this afternoon and turn to rain : ( I love the snow! We watched 8 different vehicles almost crash into each other at different times yesterday- those roads were slippery! That was everything to brand new 4 X 4 pickups and small cars! SUV's(Tahoes and Jeeps) and a sports car.

I've just had no time this week to write blogs, it has been very busy. I'm rearranging the lower barn, I can't stand it(or couldn't stand it). One side was 3 layers, and the other side 2 layers/banks of cages. With the main barn having over 85 holes then the lower barn having around 40 we were just finding it too much work. And, it felt like all we were doing was cleaning cages(which really was the case!). So after the 19 rabbits left last week for their new owners, on Friday I started pulling cages off the walls and rearranging. The one side now has a double layer-- we've ordered 3 pans for it like the main barn which has worked out great for us, super easy cleaning and nice and easy to pull out! Anyway, that will look great once those 3 pans are built! Then the other side is only one level now, and I figured out which cages to keep and which to sell. It gave us:
12 Fuzzy lop holes
6 Holland lop holes- I'll let the cat out of the bag-- Cristina, Andrea, Wally and myself are now "Show Stomper's Rabbitry" as a co-op rabbitry between the 4 of us, with Otter hollands- blues and blacks only and we all agreed NO brokens! We have a nice little start- Fuzzy Peach's Kikiee a black senior doe, Creator's Atkin a blue Jr buck out of Sunny's Miss Mustache who was Cobalt's mom : ) And Kikiee was out of GC Sunny's Ted so this all goes back to our old line : ) Anyway we also have 3 adorable baby otter does out of Kikiee and Magnum an otter buck- thanks Tammi for the breeding.
Anyway back to what I was saying. 12 Fuzzy holes, 6 holland holes(I think Andrea and Wally are planning 12 holes but with over 100 rabbits as it, I don't want anymore then that!! Somedays I wonder why I have this many, lol!
And then one extra hole for mini lop overflow probably, plus a 4 hole Jersey stacker...

So it should be much nicer to clean and manouver in that lower barn and now if I could just get my uncle to do some fix its down there we would be set.... Been waiting 6 months so might be waiting another... sigh!!!

Cage wise... We now have :
41 Jersey holes in the main barn
44 Mini lop holes in the main barn
4 Jersey holes down below
12 Fuzzy lop holes
and 6 Holland holes for a grand total of:
107 holes.. yikes I think I'm good for rabbits, lol!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A whole week?

Has it really been a whole week since I've written a blog? Time flies!

I filled in at my old work for a couple of days last week, and then again tomorrow as well. This next week is going to be absolutely insane!

Tomorrow I'm filling in until 5:30pm. Tuesday it looks like Cristina and I are going to work in Cow Bay or at least I will be. Wednesday we are in Campbell River doing a whole bunch of rabbit deliveries(Mini lops and Mini rex!) and a couple of cages as well. Then, Thursday I'm not sure what is happening during the day yet or Friday(I'm sure that will be filled up quickly as well) but we will be going to the light up on Thursday night and Friday night the family is invited to our Aunt's and Uncles for dinner. Then Saturday is the Rabbits BC meeting -- my old work wants me to work in the morning if possible as it is Santa Photos for the pets... However I haven't decided yet because I wanted to do a couple of rabbits myself this year!(take them in for santa photos) then be in Victoria for 1:00..... Not sure what is on for next Sunday........ crazy!

We did a whole bunch of breeding yesterday! I bred 6 Jersey woolie does! : ) 4 were very ready, 2 were not.. Going to keep retrying those 2! We also bred 2 fuzzy lops and 2 mini lops!

Monday, November 19, 2007

A very busy weekend

I really wanted to go to the Christmas Chaos this weekend, but it was too insane to even think about going.

Friday night we were invited to our Aunt's and Uncles for pizza and a movie. We both stayed up late, and got up late Saturday morning(late for us anyway 9-9:30). Saturday flew by and yesterday we had 5 different sets of people coming to the barn for various things.

Tamashanter Rabbitry came to get their 2 Mini lops, and Holland buck back. They oohed and ahhed over all the babies(we have lots out their!).

Electric Bunny Rabbitry came- of which, Andrea kindly did a Bunny photo shoot for Christmas photos!! The pictures turned out beautifully and we can't wait to get the Christmas cards back that we made today with them : ) Thank you Andrea!! We also will put the pics up on the website closer to Christmas.

Then, we had a breeder on Saltspring Island come to buy mini rex.. She only wanted 3 but left with 4, lol!

We had someone come to look at Mini rex and picked out a jr red buck from one litter, as a future show buck for them : ) He will be going to live with them in December sometime.

And then we had someone come to look at some cages, of which they purchased 7 and came and picked them up today. So it was a very busy weekend!

Last night Andrea came back to the house for dinner, and we all started baking at 10pm. We finished at 11:30 and Andrea left shortly after. Then, Cristina and I didn't go to bed until after 1 which is really late for us.. So we totally overslept this morning- which didn't help classes! And weren't up until almost 10am(within 10 mins of each other because my room is next to hers and I'm usually half asleep tripping over dogs(stubbing toes, crashing into things, lol)(ack!)

We had to be in Victoria by Noon or 12:30(which we made, just) as we had 3 stops to make, and had to have the car back for 3.. Which we also made, just.. However, our mom had already gotten a ride to work(she can't drive the truck because it is standard and a pain in the arse to shift(straight 6 shifting or something, lol) so we headed to the barn.

Cristina and I both agreed if at all possible we are going to do that more often- have everyone come in one day, one afternoon. It is busy, and jammed packed but it is so much easier then every evening, or afternoon etc.

I got my 3 new Jersey woolies today from Ingrid, all the bloodlines I'm working with Leapin. A beautiful chin doe, a really nice pointed white doe, and a gorgeous black buck! I plan to do breedings ASAP! So I will be having some litters by Christmas : )

Friday, November 16, 2007

Shows are all over for 2007 for our rabbitry

We've finished our showing for 2007 here at Sunny Brook Rabbitry. We've had:

3 Best in Show's
2 RIS's(one 1st runner up) I think that counts the same?
Many BOB's/BOS's, 1sts etc.

Probably our highest compliment at the shows was ARBA Judge Joey Shults comment:
"My compliments to the breeder on this buck" to GC Sunny's As You like it(ML)

We have one more show we can attend, but have chosen not too as it is only a single show and just not worth the cost of ferry, gas, entries, motel etc to go.

I just heard exciting news that we will have another JW breeder coming up for our show in February here on the Island! : )

At this rate, I'm only going to have bucks to show, lol!

Well I'm on a "writers block" and I don't know what to write about.... hopefully something will inspire me!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My herd goals

My goals for 2008 are as follows, in the Jerseys.

O/T for one sec!The Jersey's are all that I will be raising after this! I have my 2 pet cavies "A little RNR and Mosaic" but all my Mini rex are sold except some babies which are mainly all spoken for now. I still have the hollands... if anyone is interested in a holland for a pet or breeding animals.... : ) Anyway back on track!

My breeding goals are:

To keep consistently producing the short round, typey bodies that seem to be predominant in the "Leapin" bloodline. Work on legnth, shape, and substance to ear which seems to be a fault in the line. I plan to do some major linebreeding with RH's Tonka and GC Jentle's Hero, and Leapin' Munchkin. I think those are the 3 best in the entire herd, and I want to work on their excellent qualities!

I am really looking forward to Jersey babies in 2008. Because of the feed problem I still haven't bred anyone. Well, that isn't true. I bred Jetta and Maggie, or at least tried to the other day but didn't have much luck with Maggie. Jetta and Black Prince connected once, and Maggie and Hero were a no go. I need to check does and maybe do some breeding this week! Everyone is bouncing back into condition. I'd also like to move most everyone into the main barn after the mini rex go as well so I can work on the lower barn this winter and get pans made for it etc(pans need to be replaced).

Anyway those are my major goals for 2008. I know that Laura only had 30 holes between the 2 and at one point 3 breeds so I am wanting to keep a few more does. I am keeping a whole bunch of jr does, a few jr bucks(a buck herd I tell ya!) and the one litter I do have out there(5 blacks). I really like 2 does and a buck so I will probably grow all 3 out : )

I think the one doe I will breed shortly is Leapin Ginger Rogers. Rebreed Maggie, and maybe Tikki and Mona Lisa.

I am getting a trio of Jerseys from Ingrid. We are doing a trade. I'm getting a REG black buck, a REG Pointed White doe, and a chin doe. The chin doe is going into the agouti program obviously. I have a nice start there.
The agouti program has a Chestnut Jr doe bred by the Uptagraffts all Ayers and Brian Hartzell lines! A very nice opal buck from Just Hoppin lines, the new Chin doe, a black doe who will eventually go into that line as she is out of the opal buck. I've bred her to Prince for now though as he has the depth she is needing. And I think that is it for the agouti program, just the 4 for now.

I'm glad to get the other pointed white doe! Really want to work on a pointed white program!

Hopefully my next post will have some does that are bred... : ) The mini rex and Mini lops are sure breeding well this winter... We have over 60 babies out there right now between those 2 breeds!

I might breed Mara too.. maybe I can find 5 to breed.. that would be nice! As I said I'm keeping lots of replacement does as well, as long as they have better type or traits then parents that I'm working on. There is one doe out there that I'm not sure I want to keep but am growing her out anyway.

I want a competitive herd like Laura! I do plan to have around 25 senior does, 10 senior bucks, and the rest Jr holes....

Friday, November 9, 2007

More uplifting blog!

So my last blog I was really worried and very overwhelmed. This blog is a little more uplifting.

We got 80% of the rabbits back on track and eating, and then up to 90%.

As of yesterday we had 2 rabbits we were very worried about. So, we made a vet appt for the 2 rabbits at Prevost Vet Clinic with 1 of their 2 rabbit vets. Things went well-- temperature on both rabbits was normal, she couldn't feel any blockages or anything abnormal besides both were bloated and a bit gassy.(she also felt this would be a feed problem, not water).

We had been feeding them pumpkin so they wouldn't be blocked and she told us to keep up with that, and the pineapple juice. Lots of hay which they are getting(alfalfa, orchard grass and straw) and keep trying to get them to eat pellets. Well, as of last night neither rabbit would eat pellets and were drinking very little water, however neither were dehydrated. We've completely switched them over to a local feed 16%(Shar Kare) which another local breeder feeds her Mini lops and hasn't had any problems so we will feed this feed for now. We may end up mixing with another 16% brand down the road(Nature's Mix) but we will see.

The entire "main" barn is back up and eating except "Ada" who we took to the vet yesterday. Cezanne(mini rex) is not eating great but she is eating. We tried a mix of Martens and Shar Kare thinking the rabbits would love the expensive "pet" food which is an extruded feed that only comes in biggest I think 10kg bags(unless you want the "imitation" which is a 20kg bag but.... This food is $7 for a small bag(2 ice cream pails of feed max per bag you can get) or $15 for the 10kg and $30-35 for the imitation feed! Not exactly cheap to feed 120 rabbits.. Anyway.. the rabbits DID NOT like it!

The mini rex never really went off feed besides Cezanne and Fireball. Fireball went back on feed right away but Cezanne has been extra picky... She loves the bread, bananas and parsley and all the "extras" she has been getting.

The lower barn "Jersey & Fuzzy barn" has been a bit more difficult... Starting at the front left side- well basically this entire barn was not eating like the main barn but instead of only 2 days like the main barn it took them 5 to get even touching pellets again.. sigh.. Prince is eating again same with BlackBerry Billy, Mini lop X 2 never went off feed in this barn(one day but after that back to eating). One jersey doe finally ate her full feed today! Yeah! 2 of them were eating totally fine and didn't touch pellets last night at all.. sigh.. but had ate orchard grass and alfalfa so may have just filled up on that. Tonight they were eating so that is a good sign. I got Mara eating- really worried about her as she wasn't eating at all but she is back on track, and the jr bucks are all on track. All the fuzzies are on track(eating just fine!). One fuzzy jr doe has not been eating that great for the past 2 nights but did eat hay and flatted barley tonight so I think she is going to be back on track- got gas drops and pumpkin today as well.

Other side of that barn almost all in the first half are eating except Butch(went to the vet), and then next half all are eating except a jr sable point buck and jr smoke pearl buck- really fighting with those 2 they just don't want to eat pellets(sigh), and an old JW buck(Cyclone) is eating just not great, an opal buck, and one more sable point buck "Munchkin" but all are eating just not a lot.. So it is all looking up! WHEW! However, they are consuming a ton of hay of the 3 kinds so things are definitely looking better.

It is a huge pressure off our shoulders slowly getting them eating. I don't think we could have worried anymore!

So now it is basically to keep them eating(we still don't know why they suddenly went of feed?). The feed company has been great and pulled samples to test and didn't find anything wrong with the feed. A friend (only person we've found that has the same batch #) fed it to her cals and so far no problems). We hadn't changed anything else so we just don't know what caused it. Municipality says no changes in the water, and we did bottled water and Chemainus water and that didn't change anything.

The rabbits all did lose condition because of this, however being on feed again for the past 2-3 days they will come back up to condition shortly.(they went onto Shar Kare feed last Saturday(this has been going on for over a week now) but none of them were really back on feed until Wednesday and Thursday this week. Something tasted funny to them or something because they just wouldn't even touch the pellets(Shar Kare). We've also given some alfalfa pellets but most of the "little guys" find them to big and won't eat them. However, the mini lops are eating a few. We still don't know as I've said before why they are suddenly back on track and eating- when they wouldn't touch the Shar Kare pellets from last Saturday when we bought them, to this Wednesday and Thursday(same batch) but whatever bugged them seems to have corrected? We didn't lose any rabbits(touch wood) however a couple of the weaned mini lop babies lost a lot of weight. All were treated for Cocci and off treatment around the 22nd of October, Jerseys were almost finished Cocci treatment but were pulled off it because of this last week. They will need to go back on it once they are back on track. For now I'm not worrying about that with them! I just want to make sure the fuzz balls are eating and okay!

Kim & Cristina
Thanks to everyone that sent advice, phoned and offered all your help and guidance! It is really great having such awesome friends!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Frustrating feed problems!

Very frustrated with the feed right now. Especially since everyone else I've talked to didn't get the same batch we did, except one other breeder thought they had fed it a few weeks ago with no problems-- but didn't know for sure.

Not one other person is on the same batch # right now.

120 rabbits would not eat at all! (besides hay, parsley etc) just not the feed! At first because they didn't eat they weren't drinking very well either so we thought it could be the water. We called the municipality(I did) and they said nothing had changed, no chlorination had happened etc. So we bought 5 jugs(5 gal ) of bottled water. The rabbits did not eat that night either(after the water change).

So the 3rd night we fed only old fashioned rolled oats and lots of hay, and changed water again this time to Chemainus water. They ate the oats and the hay, and drank some water but when we tried the best eaters with a little food(keep in mind we have a lot of litters right now too and didn't/don't want to wait long) and those great eaters didn't eat the feed either. So.. We bought a bag of 16% shar Kare which they all started eating right away(normally feeding 18% Otter).

We bought another bag of Shar Kare yesterday and they were eating that, and drinking has started up again too(without the feed(not eating) they weren't of course getting the salt which makes them thirsty so the drinking subsided. Which makes sense!

Finally something makes sense!

So now if they keep eating the 16% Shar Kare we will go that route. We have no other options on the Island besides Proform which we tried last spring(they didn't like it) when the same thing happened- at first no one else on the Island noticed there rabbits having problems and then babies started dying for other rabbitries, rabbits off feed and what not. Although some rabbitries had no problems whatsoever with the feed. I'm thinking they had to have missed that batch us up here got though because everyone else on that batch had problems. Other option would be Buckerfields but it is supposed to be quite a bit like the Proform.. We might go that route and mix the two which would be a royal pain but....

Luckily because we know which rabbits clean all their pellets and lick the dust we knew something wasn't right. We didn't lose any babies or adults or anything because we caught it on the 2nd day(just like this time).

Anyway, they've been eating 18% Otter since early July and loving it. The last batch they ate just fine. 7333? This batch 7411 they will NOT eat.(120 of them).

So of course with this happening the jerseys who seem to be finicky to begin with lost a bit of condition so won't be bred yet(grr!) really wanting to get some breeding done before it gets cold! And the fuzzy and a couple of the mini lops won't be bred either.. Not until we figure it out! Although we have it pegged onto that batch of feed. Will send that feed away for testing. So far this batch of Shar Kare 7333 they are eating just fine. We gave all the ones not drinking very well yet crocks as well. Will head into the farm early to check on everyone.

As long as we have this pegged everything should be just fine.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lots of breedings to take place

I plan to do lots of breeding either tomorrow or Friday in the wooly barn! I have plans to breed at least 6 does... As I would like to move some of the 13 bucks out next spring(at least a couple) although no hurry and I already have some people on the waiting list which is nice.

I am looking forward to the black babies developments- 3 does and 2 bucks. I definetly will not be keeping the bucks unless they are phenomanl. They will have to beat dad and grandpa and so they have high standards to live up to!

The babies are all doing well. Some super promising ones out there!

Here's one of Maggie Mae's babies- the BOB doe at WA State convention. I'm just not sure what color they are- not recognized :( I think she may be a blue point not really a smoke pearl so when bred to a smoke pearl marten I think they may be frosted pearls on 2 of them and this one is a sable point marten I think?? She also has a beautiful smoke pearl marten(showable!) doe as well... I'm keeping all 4 to grow out.

Anyway, can't wait for more jersey babies. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monroe Entries

I entered 4 Jersey woolies for Monroe;

Blue Senior buck "Hero"
Blue tort Senior doe "Hot Flashez"
Smoke pearl senior doe "Mara"
Sable point(I think actually blue pt so could be dq'ed but we shall see) jr doe

We had a scare with one of the woolies day before yesterday. Snookums a blue tort senior buck hadn't eaten his pellets or drank any water, or any hay when we went to feed that afternoon/early evening(normal time). Because our rabbits are all on measured diets we know exactly how much they have ate or drank(jerseys 1/2 to 3/4 cup depending on their condition right now etc etc). I brought him out and right away knew something wasn't right. Only having them a week and a half; I'm beginnning to know how much each rabbits eats/drinks a night. He hadn't even touched his treats!

So I brought him out and checked him over. He had 3 huge masses in his stomach(maybe he moulted in the past month and just didn't get enough papaya or something). I've been feeding hay every night and gave papaya 2 times last week but those definetly weren't from having him only a week. I figure he moulted and got fur block but it just wasn't found and he never went off feed until it got quite bad. So.. I immediately syringed pineapple juice and baby gas drops into him(not knowing at first what it was). Massaged his belly and more pineapple juice. 4 hours later I went back to the barn and syringed more pineapple juice into him, more baby gas drops and gave him a dish of pineapple juice(no clue how much is too much but I could feel 3 golf ball size lumps that were soft and moving. I am proud and relieved to say that he is doing fine now ! I do not feel the lumps at all and he is pooping normally! He also ate his oats and a few pellets and drank a little water. I am giving him pedialite to keep his electrolytes etc up. He got more hay, more pineapple juice syringed in him and another massage of the belly last night. I was going to take him to the vet if things weren't looking better but thankfully I didn't have too!(just spent $2800 on getting all the woolies after it was all said and done) and fuzzies too(by the time we paid for ferry X 2 plus trailer one way, 3 people, food for 2 days, motel for a night, gas X 3 tanks, a couple of trips to Canadian tire. Paying for the trailer(over $120 to rent for 3 days with insurance), paying for the adaptor piece for the lights, bank fees for using cash machines that weren't from CIBC. Gross ferry food! Etc, etc...

The 5 black babies are doing great. I will be breeding a whole bunch of woolies next week! I've bred the REW doe but need to check her next week to see if she caught. Will be nice to have lots of wooly litters happening! : )

Friday, October 19, 2007

My new Jersey herd- who I got!

Here's that blog everyone has been waiting for!

Senior bucks:

GC Leapin's Cyclone- Sable point senior buck- Leapin Cracker Jack GC X Leapin Carmella he goes back to some of Laura's "Greats". Leapin Brianna, Leapin Hogan, Leapin Marlon etc.

GC Jentle's Hero- Blue Senior buck- Leapin Poseidon(GC) X Odds N Ends Panda- attached pics of him!

Leapin Butch
- Sable point Senior buck- Leapin Sultan of Swing X Leapin Helen- attached pics of him!

RH's Tonka GC- Smoke pearl Marten- Legacy's Criminal REG X RH's Fanine mae

Leapin's Snookums- Blue tort- Leapin Cyclone GC X Leapin Fiesta Tango- REG- super cute buck!

Leapin Munchkin- Sable point REG- Leapin Cyclone X Leapin Flame N Desyre REG

Leapin's Black Prince- REG Jentle's Hero GC X PPS Juliet

Jr bucks:
Leapin Rock N Roll- Tortoise- Leapin Munchkin Sable point X Leapin Fiesta Tango

Leapin Too Hot For You- Sable point- Leapin Snookums (blue tort) X Leapin Flame N Desyre Tort

Leapin Honky Tonk- Sable Marten- RH's Tonka GC Smoke pearl Marten X Jentle's Tikki-Sable marten

Leapins Panache- Smoke pearl- Awesome body! Leapin Wisdom X Leapin Mara(both smoke pearls)

Leapin All that Jazz- Pointed White(Black) Leapin Black Prince X B-Mac's Canadian Mist-N-Cream

Senior does:

B-Mac's Canadian Mist-N-Cream-Pointed white 2 legs/REG red/white- B-Mac's Royal Flush REG X FT's Canadian Mist GC

Jentle's Tikki- Sable Marten REG- RH's Tonka GC Smk pearl marten X Jentle's Jasmine sable marten

Leapin Ginger Rogers- Blue Tort- Leapin Snookums 1 leg REG blue tort X Leapin Flame N Desyre

Leapin Mona Lisa-Blue tort- REG- Leapin Jan tort X Leapin Willow Waltz

Leapin Maggie Mae- BOB leg at WA State Convention of 53! RH's Tonka GC X Leapin Willow Waltz

Leapin Chantilly Lace- Smoke pearl- Ryan's Royal 1 leg X Leapin Willow Waltz Smoke pearl She has 1 leg as well

Leapin Mara- Smoke pearl- 1 leg for BOB in Ontario Ryan's Royal X Leapin Willow Waltz

Leapin Hot Flashez 1 leg Blue tort- Leapin Cyclone Sable point GC X Leapin Flame N Desyre

Schultz's Secret Weapon- Siamese sable- Wo's Taboo- Blue tort X Schultz's Cassie
1 leg as well

Leapin Foxy Lady- REW- Leapin Butch X PP's Juliet(Black)

Jr does:

Leapin Mikhaila- Black- Jentle's Hero GC blue X PP's Juliet Black

Leapin Heidi- Smoke pearl- Leapin Munchkin X Leapin Chantilly Lace

Very few does in comparison to bucks!


Jentle's Tikki X RH's Tonka(her dad)- sadly 2 babies are only doing okay :( Stress of the trip combined with all these changes. One is doing excellent-a seal not sure the sex forgot to look?

Leapin Mona Lisa X Leapin Snookums- One Blue point buck(NICE!) and one blue tort buck(Not bad!)

Leapin Maggie Mae X RH's Tonka - one smoke pearl marten doe(VERY nice!) one sable point marten doe(nice!), one sable point marten buck(nice!), and one sable point marten buck- will likely be a pet. Super cute!

Schultz's Secret Weapon X Leapin Munchkin- one smoke pearl jr doe

Then the pointed white doe has 5 black babies!

I got baby pics of the ones above... but too lazy to crop them. Going to watch a movie!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

First wooly litter born here!

First Wooly litter born here tonight!

Pointed white doe X Leapin's Black Prince(yes pedigree book is I believe still in the barn unless Cristina remembered it) 6 babies, 1 peanut. ALL blacks. Last litter had at least one himi as Laura kept him and I have him now. Hoping for nice and typey babies like dad!

Will be working on pics this weekend. Because of the stress of the move we have lost a few babies- it was a 6 hour drive basically for them, plus an overnight stay, then going to a new area that is much damper then the okanagan and warmer as well..

We have been feeding lots of hay, old fashioned rolled oats and they are all doing fine otherwise. I guess that is to be expected when moving 3-4 week old babies- very stressful! But disappointing none the less. Will be breeding a bunch of woolies in November : )

Monday, October 15, 2007

My new herd

I am very excited about my new herd of Jersey's. I look forward to showing them and going to Convention in 09 with them as well. By next spring I will see how the herd is doing, and decide whether I need to bring anything in from the same line but with a certain trait or if overall it is strong enough to stand alone. I really like what I am seeing though!

We did breed one Jersey wooly doe already, a REW doe back to her dad.! Laura must really have liked bucks because we have lots and lots of boys! Really nice blue tort jr buck- he is looking gorgeous! Can't wait for the next shows.

We have a pointed white doe due tomorrow, looking forward to those babies. And a mini rex due on Thursday(red breeding!), as well as 2-3 mini lops I believe. Maybe more. Geesh, can't remember. We know everything is written on the calendar in the barn. Cassady and Kara are both due. I think Olive and Lorelai are next week.

I will bring home the JW pedigree book and write a blog tomorrow night on who all I got, including babies. It does look like we are going to lose one baby to the stress(enteritis) :( We gave her/him baby gas drops(I think a doe :( and the nicest of the 2 in the litter. About 4 weeks. And a siamese sable(double sigh!). Kaopectate, lots of hay and pedialite but I don't think the baby will make it. All others are doing fine. Some super cute ones out their! I know you are all dying to sell.. Will hopefully get pics this coming weekend. We somehow changed a setting on our camera.... We don't want to fiddle with it too much because it is under warranty and cost $2000... so... we may just send it in for Warranty and have to use the other digital which pics aren't nearly as good. Will see! Hopefully we can figure out what setting it is on, lol!