Thursday, March 20, 2008

New litters, updates etc

I can't believe it has been 4 days since my last blog...

I had a couple new Jersey litters to report today. Leapin Fantasy X Leapin' Cowboy had 6 kits- first litter! 4 MAY be peanuts, though with 2 for sure that are regular size.

And Leapin' Sierra X Leapin' Cowboy had 2 DOA huge kits. I will rebreed her this weekend, unless we need to foster something off to her. We still have 2 more JW's to go, still waiting on my Champagne D' Argent to deliver, and then numerous mini lops. Then more JW's next week.

I can't wait for the Champagne litter. They are a super fun breed of rabbit! Very sweet, inquisitive, and good eaters! I think they will make excellent pets from what I am seeing (the bucks) as both our bucks are very easy going. We got new pics of the 2 young does today, but didn't like the pics of the younger of the 2. However, new pic of the older doe.

All is well with all the bunnies. Tomorrow we are having Easter dinner at the house here. Andrea and her mom are coming, along with our Grandma and one uncle, my friend Starr and her daughter Tiffany, and then the 4 of us. Plus 7 cats, and likely 5 dogs because if we are feeding rabbits a bit early I can't tie Harley up that early (Harley the farm dog, but you have to tie him up at night because of his last fiasco with chasing wild rabbits and getting lost!). Anyway, he will probably come home for Easter dinner too : )

We are stuck on our emotions right now. In one way we are looking forward to Andrea's dwarf hotots coming to the farm. It will be fun to play around with them for a year, while she is gone. And in another it will be hard to say goodbye and not see her for another FULL YEAR! We are really happy for her, and can't wait to hear about her adventures and hearing if she finds any rabbitries over there! But, it will be a hard time saying good bye for sure. We've all really grown close over the last 2 years and it will be like losing a family member for sure ( she IS family)

Tomorrow, I have to go shopping for a baby gift (year old birthday) for our Cousin Aliyah. Then a birthday gift for a friend, and an easter gift for Cristina, Mom and Norm (just a chocolate bunny each or something) we don't go extravagant in this house for easter.

We cancelled homemakers for our grandma( who needs help with cooking/meals etc) for tomorrow, so Cristina and I will be at her place bright and early for breakfast, at the barn to check on the does due and then running around. Then back to the house by 3pm to work on dinner and tidying house, and figuring out how to entertain dogs while all the company is here : ) Probably take them for a long run and wear them out. That always works!

I have 16 Jerseys to keep, and 17 holes.. So expect to see more Jerseys for sale before Summer, as I need to keep empty holes for babies. : ) Can't wait to see how a few of these very nice Mini lops develop, they are looking VERY nice! And I really like how these couple Jersey babies we are keeping are developing. Showing improvement already, that is always a good thing!

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