Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nice to be getting spring cleaning done!

It is so nice to be getting this spring cleaning done. We are actually done all the stackers and hanging cages. We just need to put the barn back together. The cages/rabbits are back together but the middle of the barn looks like a bomb hit it (lol).

All the carriers that we used our in the middle, plus feed bags as we had to buy feed yesterday and we spent 8 1/2 hours powerwashing 44 cages yesterday(stackers), pans, and putting them back together(some of them have legs and come off in twos) so by the time we took one 2 part out, then the other 2 part etc. We usually did 3-4 stackers at a time. But it is still a lot of work. By the time we fed and watered everyone it was after 7:00 last night and we were exhausted! We had even gone to check on a boat we are taking care of(making sure it doesnt take on water) and then picked up feed as well.

We did treat ourselves to Tim Hortins for lunch though :- )

Today we were going to take all the scrap metal but we may work in the barn instead and get it re-organized. I'm really not sure. It sounds like it is going to be a hectic day so we will have to see.

If we do work in the barn it will be nice to get it back to being re-organized, and maybe we can get a few pictures as well. We shall see!


Unknown said...

We would love to get some spring cleaning done! Yet another 6-10 inches of snow expected this weekend. :( So it will be warm again.

Three Little Ladies Rabbitry

Sunny Brook Rabbitry said...

Hi Rob;

Here's sending warm weather wishes your way!! Last week was gorgeous, and this week has been pouring with rain! So it is not quite spring, yet! The good news is, at least for around here, we still have snow on the mountains. Which means we likely won't have water restrictions this summer : - ) Always a good thing. We don't usually have it at the farm, but around us can get pretty dry.

I love reading your blogs, and the blog roll was a fantastic idea!

Kim :- )