Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Busy weekend

Weekends around here are always brim full! Saturday we spent most of the day working around the farm. Saturday night we brought Harley the Rottweiller home for a "sleepover" and a long walk with the other 4 dogs. That all went well, and Sunday morning we all went back to the farm together (Harley, Cristina and I).

Andrea, Tammi and Coleton came down for a visit, and we spent most of the afternoon in the barn going through mainly Mini lops, although a few Jersey woolies and we looked at one Champagne as well. We also ran to the raptor centre, and out for coffee. Lunch at our Grandmas as well. Today we did a bunch of running around in town, and put boxes in for the does. We also, decided on our cage space in the breeds:

We have 88 holes in the barn exactly, so we were figuring out what we wanted to allow for each breed. We need lists, boundaries, and limitations in our life(okay I've been watching Cesar Millan videos, and those words are embedded in my head. Anyway, we do really need boundaries and lists and limatations though. Why? Well, we've decide to allow 59 holes of those 88 to just the Mini lops(we've had 43) that is 16 MORE holes just for the Mini lops. This will really help! 38 holes are for Senior bucks and does(all at least 24 by 30), the other 21 holes are 24 by 24 junior cages.

17 holes will be for the Jersey woolies, and 12 holes for the Champagne D' Argents. That is our so called list and our boundaries. We can't go over 88 holes, neither of us will allow stackers in the middle of that barn now, so that is all we have room for! That is our limiations- we are limited space wise in the barn now, and can not have more holes : )

We are gearing up for many new litters over the next few weeks. We have something like 14 upcoming litters, and after palpating yesterday(Thanks Tammi and Andrea for double checking) all the Mini lops except 1(which is a maybe) came through, and all the Jerseys except 1(who was just bred a week ago) are too soon to tell as well. The rest are packed full!

Well, that is about all that is new around here : ) The spell check on Blogger is not working, so if my spelling is not accurate you know why!!

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