Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trying new things

Someone asked me recently why we sold our Netherland dwarfs. Before I answered back, I thought long and hard about exactly why.

Here's what I thought about:

When you go to Walmart and see the racks of clothes you might see a few pieces that attract your eye but you want them slightly different, no buttons, more buttons. A zipper, no zipper, a different color, a different saying on the T-Shirt. Am I right? You go to American Eagle and right away that latest and greatest Sweatshirt is just staring at you, saying "Pick me", Pick me!

The Dwarfs were like that for me. There were lots of things I liked about them, but not enough to keep them around. I saw another breed that interested me more and wanted to try it out.

I didn't feel so bad lately when I talked to a breeder who has had rabbits for over 30 years and she mentioned she has bred almost all the breeds except for a few(mainly wool breeds as her allergies won't allow her to have wool breeds).

She has always had 1 breed as her main breed that I can never see her without, but other breeds have come and gone and she said she loved lots, and some didn't stay for very long.

That was my last year and a half. We had the Hollands for 5 years, with 3 years actually really working on showing them to improve the breed. The first 2 years I hate to admit were kind of a wasted time just playing around with them and working on "colors" that didn't have type. Anyway, the last 3 years we worked harder on them and then just found we didn't enjoy the breed all that much anymore.

So we bought Mini rex, tried those twice in a course of 1 1/2-2 years. (in a couple different colors) liked the breed just weren't for us.

Then, Cristina decided to try Mini lops again(she had them when we first got started in rabbits) and absolutely loves them. I like the breed too. I can't see her ever without Mini lops, they are absolutely the breed for her.

Anyway, we then had Selina our step-sister come live with us to finish one of her years of high school( I think it was grade 10 or 11 can't remember) anyway, she loved the dwarfs and got a few herself.. With my money of course(sigh!!). She had them until she left 8 months later and Cristina and I kept them for another 6 months and decided they were really not the breed for us. Then we tried the French lops, and a few Jersey woolies. Sold both(the original Jerseys we got were selfs mainly with only a couple of shades) so we sold all of those and then this fall got the Jerseys back(which I love the shades and pointeds). And picked up a few Champagnes most recently. I have to say, those Champagnes are an incredible breed of rabbit. They are super sweet, good eaters, not scratchy, clean on the cage wire, and they run up to the front of the cage for attention. I can't say that about most of those Jerseys! The buck hasn't sprayed yet at all either(Jerseys don't spray either). Can't say that about Mini lops lol! They can be pee heads :- ) (Cristina will growl at me now for sure ; )

So yes, that is what I think about trying new things. You don't go to the same restaurant every day of the week and order the exact same thing, do you? I know if I go to Subway more then a few times a month I won't order the same thing. If I only go once in a while I do, but if I go more then 3-4 times in a month I order something different. Or if you order the same thing day in and day out, you would order a different kind of drink wouldn't you? I don't know, maybe it is just me but for some things I like change and trying these new breeds has been a ton of fun! I think now, though, I've found the breeds for me :- )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog, esp this post (I've linked you to my blog). I've been breeding since 1996, and have had about 17 breeds come through my barn. Mini lops have stood the test of time and will be with me forever. I love that I have a competitive line that isn't just one dull color. I also love the other breeders, some breeder groups are too up tight for me! I also have Netherlands, which have been in and out of my barn but I never had the money to start a really competitive herd, my husband bought my some excellent animals in the only variety I love, himi... and it's amazing how much more you love a breed when you can afford good stock!

Anyhow... keep writing... I'll keep reading :)
