Saturday, February 9, 2008

Entries for JW sent in, barn cleaning etc

So I sent in my JW entries also entered my Mini lop senior doe.

I entered 12 JW's. Cristina entered her senior doe JW- Hot Flashez (her favorite doe in the Jersey barn) and then Honky Tonk sable marten jr buck.

Mainly shades, 8 shades, 2 selfs, and 2 martens(tans)

We did our regular weekly barn cleaning, played with Harley, went to Tim Hortins for coffee(and Harley went for a car ride).

Yesterday went well with our grandpa and then to dinner at our Aunt/Uncles. On Monday we are babysitting the dogs for them. Their young dog had to go in for surgery so she has to be on "bed rest" basically for 8 weeks. We are going to babysit for 2 1/2 hrs : ) We had a great dinner and watched some TV with them, lots of talking ;)

Tomorrow we are going with a friend and her dog to the "dog park" with Luke and Harley so the dogs can play. First we will take Star, River, Ben, and Luke to the lake to wear off a whole ton of energy. That way Luke will be half tired when he goes and plays with the other dogs so he won't be so rough(or nuts).

I still have lots to do to get ready for VIRBA but we are getting there. Next is getting all the pre-sold equipment dug out, and tattoos done. Those are the next most important.

Not much else new! Oh! wait there is. My pointed white doe Canadian Mist had 6 babies by Hero- all blacks though(sigh!) lol! Obviously she doesn't carry dilute, and first generation won't produce pointed whites(??) someone help me out on that one? Is it possible?
Anyway, 6 blacks. Chantilly Laces are doing great. I know Tikki and the other PW doe are pregnant for sure. I've rebred almost everyone else that missed...

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