Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fewer rabbits, well organized barn, rabbit life is good!

I really like having fewer rabbits.

Sure, our show string won't be as big although I still think we will probably have up to 30 animals to show for VIRBA so that is a huge entry!!

It is much more fun having fewer rabbits. I can enjoy them, I can keep up on grooming and my normal cage wire brushing.

Maybe I can even get everything organized in the lower shed this week(nothing down there just storage). Wouldn't that be nice?!

I got a whole bunch of grooming done the other day. All the cage cards were put up on cages and as I said in my blog earlier on the weekend we moved a couple of stackers. Why? Because we finally have room to move a few stackers! I love how the barn is looking. If we could just get those last 4 stackers moved from the back middle it would give us 8-9 feet in the middle of the barn!! right now we have ample room for walking on each side, and enough room to turn a wheel barrow around in each aisle so I can't complain(has been like that for a long time).

We are getting things more organized. It wasn't so much they were unorganized before it was basically that the rabbits come with WAY too much stuff so we had to better situate everything. I think I mentioned in the last blog or maybe Cristina did that we got rid of a whole bunch of small "bins" and got her one of those huge cow/horse bins that fit 5-6 bags of feed. Much better then those other bins that hold 2 bags : ) We will move all the shavings into the lower barn in the next few weeks and keep our 2 feed bins, 2 grain bins(for treat mix) in the main barn. Once we move the freezer into the barn and get it situated in the lower shed we will use that just for feed storage, extra grain storage, and whatever else we might need it for!

Now we just need all the sold rabbits to go so we have more cage space for weaning the litters we have right now in 6-7 weeks. And then the 21 litters we have coming up over the next 4 weeks : )

Again, i love having the fewer rabbits. Life is more enjoyable, and I have more time for other things.

With the mini lops out of stackers it works MUCH better too. They are all in hanging cages now. The Jerseys do well in stackers. It is just the hair that is the biggest problem.

We still have 85 holes in the main barn exactly plus 2 small cages for growing out jersey jrs or mini lop jrs just weaned.

After VIRBA we will do our spring ivermecting and coccidosis treatment. They were all done in October .

So yes, I love having fewer rabbits. It put me back in perspective of what I wanted to do with them.

With 150-160 before it was constantly trying to just keep on top of cleaning 1-2 times a week(always once but likely 2 times quite a bit) and the amount of feed for all those rabbits. We easily went through a bag and a half a day if not more(sometimes 2 or more!) that is over $20 a day to feed them-- $140 a week, $560 a month on FEED alone! that doesn't include the 2 bags of shavings we go through approx per week, plus a bag of floor shavings(the finer stuff) once a month(4 cleanings). Wow..... Also of course doesn't include the grain, hay and flax, sunflower seeds, old fashioned rolled oats, and fastrack for the young babies.

Yes, i love having fewer rabbits! And so does my pocket book!

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