Sunday, January 6, 2008

Huge long blog- major herd reduction!

We are so busy these days with non-rabbit activities that we've decided to majorly cut back on the number of rabbits we have at least for right now. We've gone from around 150 rabbits early December to 100 now, and would like to get down to 75ish......50 would be great but that isn't likely to happen! Mainly herd cut backs on our smaller breeds, or just cutting back on lines/colors or too many bucks/does. I have too many JW bucks and Cristina has too many ML does :- )

Here's the list...

Hollands- we were going to work on Otter Hollands but find we do not have time for this right now(we're working with friends on this project). They have first dibs on who they want but I know they are also tight for cage space. With us it isn't even cage space as the lower barn is 90% empty(about 20 empty holes if not more!) but time is just not in our favour : )

Fuzzy Peach's Kikiee Black Senior doe - $20, proven excellent mom out of GC Sunny's Ted X Rudolph's Miranda
Creator's Jericho- Blue Senior buck- $50- out of Miss Mustache mom to Cobalt a really nice blue doe we had.
Following out of Kikiee above and Creator's Magnum
Blue Otter Jr doe- Show $35
Blue Otter Jr doe- Breeding- $35
Back Otter Jr buck- Breeding/Show $35
Black Otter Jr doe- Breeding $35
Also have a Tri buck and Black doe who are pending ? $25 each if not already sold.
Mini rex:
Fuzzy Peach's Jester- Harlequin Senior doe- pet home, awesome personality!
KT's Cezanne- Broken black senior doe out of KT's rabbitry in Oregon, fantastic lines. Big girl though! Prefer a pet home/retirement home but would consider the right breeding home. Super personality, has had 3 litters- 2 of 8, and one of 5.
Red Jr buck- out of GC Hangtown's Fireball X Hangtown's RH26- pending?
Mini lops:

Velotta's Keaton - Opal Sr buck. Out of GC Velotta's Waltor X GC Velotta's
Renee. Breeding/Show. All Velotta lines. 2 GC legs. $50

Velotta's Posey - Silver Tipped Steel Sr doe. Out of GC Velotta's Waltor X
GC Kitsemble's Ella. Proven breeding doe, excellent mom! 2 GC legs,
Registered Red/White. Kitsemble/Velotta lines. $50

Posey's Armoni - Broken Chestnut Sr doe. Out of GC Velotta's Adson X GC
Velotta's Olivia. Breeding/Show doe. All Velotta lines. $40

Posey's Abby - Broken Steel Sr doe. Out of Velotta's Sam X GC Kitsemble's
Ella. Show/Breeding doe. $65

GC Velotta's Olivia - Broken Chestnut Sr doe. Out of GC Velotta's Dodger X
GC Velotta's Francie. 5 GC legs, proven doe excellent mom. 2 yrs old. $150

GC Velotta's Cattabrie - Chestnut Sr doe. Out of GC C.C's Jack X GC
Velotta's Francie. 10 GC legs/BIS win. Proven doe, excellent mom. 3 yrs old,
still producing great! $100

Velotta's Chloe - Chinchilla Sr doe. Out of GC Velotta's Dodger X GC
Velotta's Cattabrie. Registered Red/White/Blue with Gold Star. Excellent
mom! $50

Black, Opal and Chestnut Jrs (2 does, 1 buck) out of GC Sunny's Audrey X GC
Hutholm's Broken Opal buck. Some very nice Juniors! 1 on hold for now. $40

Milkhouse's Summer - Chestnut Sr doe. Out of Milkhouse's Desi X GC Desurra's
Sietta. All Desurra lines, with a bit of Velotta's. Excellent mom! $60

Mitchell's Quentin- Broken Chestnut senior buck 2 GC legs, produced 2 super daughters for us and we are getting fantastic grandkids. Super sweet personality, still breeding. Will be 5 in May. Otherwise he will live out his days here if we can't find him the perfect retirement/pet occasional breeding home. Still breeding just fine! Doesn't seem arthritic this winter, has an ez mat regardless but he likes to throw his toy around and he LOVES food ;) Free to the right home... references may be required!

Fuzzy lops: Selling last 5- It does look like most are spoken for now. I will repost as I know. The only one I can't remember on is Violet. Will update as I know

Leapin B52 Tort Senior buck 1 GC leg for BOS first time shown, 2nd in his class other show. Very nice buck with a fantastic body and head! $125
Amelia's Kyoko- Tort Senior doe- ELS RIKU X Mason's Louie- Hollands in the background. $30
Wilder's Violet- Siamese Sable jr doe, tight crown, good type, cute doe! $30

Jersey woolies:
Leapin' AOV buck- All that Jazz- out of Leapin' Black Prince X B-Mac's Canadian Mist-N-Cream PW. I got this buck in Laura's herd sell out, and his mom was rebred to the same buck for the 2nd time. I've kept back 4 of the 5 from that litter(all black) and will be selling something from there as well. This guy is going to wind up on the larger size, and be more breeding quality overall. He has a very nice head, super massive body. I just would like to see him shorter/showier. Nice pieces buck. Goes back to GC Jentle's Hero, PP's and Brian's lines, and B-Mac's and Ft's. $40

Leapin Honky tonk- Sable Marten Jr buck out of GC RH's Tonka X Jentle's Tikki- Cute buck with a super head, short ears and small cobby body will be tiny! $75
Leapin Siamese Sable Jr buck out of same cross as above. This guy is going to be teeny! He got chewed by mom before he was weaned(and could be weaned) so currently is more Netherland Dwarf looking(because of short hair) tiny cobby body with super tiny ears and a big fat head. Little dark in color. $50
Posey's Black Jr buck- out of Leapin Black Prince X B-Mac's Canadian Mist-N-Cream PW- cute buck with a very nice body, good head and ear as well. $50
I will be selling one of my 4 sable point bucks towards the summer, if interested in getting on the wait list for either : Leapin Butch, Leapin Munchkin, Leapin Sable point jr buck out of Mona Lisa X Snookums, or Leapin Too Hot 4 U please contact me.


Posey's a Little RNR- Golden agouti/Red/White Silkie boar- fantastic density, not fully pedigreed. $20
Posey's Mosaic- Mosaic Jr sow! Out of RNR above and a TSW sow who was out of dilutes. Is Black, Red, White and Lilac. $20 Have pics of both taken today.

Leanne- you are first on the list since I wasn't able to organize a day to be available- December was nuts here. We moved rooms around and lost internet in the process when we unhooked the wrong thing and lost wireless and regular highspeed(not sure how!) got that sorted out, then the neighbours phone line something happened to there line which did something to our internet so it went down. So needless to say it was a crazy month with Christmas parties, Christmas, family, friends etc! I can make time next week for pick up of cages/rabbits though for anyone interested. Next week is pretty open- : )

4 hole 30 by 18 each hole $30
2 hole 24 by 15 each hole $15
2 hole 24 by 15 each hole $15
8 24 by 30 holes(singles) $10 per hole
2 hole- 18 by 24 - $10
5- 30 by 30 holes $15 each hole
2 hole 36 by 18- $15
White indoor pet cage- Free- stained bottom, and top is a little bent but would work for someone needing an emergency cage or a cavy cage etc. We've had it for years.

Black Indoor cage on wheels, ramp to top level. Had our pet New Zealand in here is about 3 1/2 feet long by 2 or 2 1/2 feet wide, and 4 feet high. Paid $65 for it. $35

2 hole French lop size carrier- would work for senior Mini lops or senior large breeds at shows. $30 Great condition

Metal feeders- Brianna you get these at VIRBA as I go through them again, please let me know again how many? :- ) Oh, we also have some nestboxes French lop size or meat rabbit size but would work for Mini lops as well if anyone wants some..... Have one that we paid $20 for in the US, would like $10 for it. Some free, and some $5 each.... First come first serve, the faster you can get them the more you can take for a good price :- )

I may also have one stacker for sale- I need to make a decision next week on it.... 4 holes- either way would be 24 by 24 whichever way I decided to go(if I sold it)

Stock can be held until the VIRBA show mid February but there is a fee of $5.00 a rabbit to cover the cost of feed/treats/hay until then. Discounts on multiple purchases...
Website is NOT updated, and won't be until later in the week most likely so if interested in new pics please e-mail us personally for more information and pictures. The website hasn't been updated for at least a few weeks, however, the pics of the rabbits on the website are recent within the last 3 months for almost all.

Sometimes some peoples e-mails bounce to the k_c_lops one not sure why, e-mail the other address if any problems. If you don't get a reply within 24 hours please e-mail us again!

Kim & Cristina
Happy New Year! Sorry this was so long... I warned at the beginning!!!

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