Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rabbits BC, April 5th show

All went pretty well with the show yesterday, although the day did not start out well.

We found Tigerlily our 6 month old kitten had been hit and killed on the road. Of course, as you can imagine we are devastated. But knew we had to put brave faces on and go on with the day. I guess we looked pretty tired and worn out, as a couple of people commented we sure looked tired. Only 2 people knew at the show, and I don't think they told anyone so that was the start of our day at 5:30 yesterday morning.

The show went smoothly, a couple of small hiccups (comment card missing) but otherwise everything went very well! We had a lot of people who entered bucks who were does, does who were bucks ( lol)

We did very well with the mini lops. I will let Cristina post those results. We sold our 2-4 hole carriers we took to sell, plus a 2 hole! So that was great. About 1/4 of the plants, the nestboxes, about half the treat mix we made up to take to sell, and we have a few people interested in rabbits! So that was all great!

Jentle's Hero was BOS both shows. Leapin' Heza Smooth Cowboy ( I only showed 2 JW's) was DQ'ed both shows for being a blue cream or blue point ( I think blue point?) they raved over his type, and head though and Michelle said he would have been one of the top contenders if he was a showable color! Even Kathy Mannweiller commented on him being such a nice buck! So that was good. Cowboy is my favorite, so that was nice to hear! He is SO sweet!

Other then that, we were very tired and had the Myer family help to take everything down and put away. That was so awesome of them! And then Jody helped fold down tables, and did a bunch of sweeping so we were cleaned up and out in about an hour!!

We sold the Charlie the Champ buck to the Myer family, as George will get more use in our herd, and eventually down the road we will need to bring in a really good herd buck. For now, though, Charlie will help our depth out and we will see what is in that litter of 3!

I will be updating the sale page with new pics this week.


M an' M Rabbitry said...

Hey Kim,

How many woolies ended up being shown at the April 5th show?

Just curious.

Sunny Brook Rabbitry said...

Hey Ashley;

That's a laugh! BTW before I answer did you get my reply back to your e-mail? Ready for wooly numbers?..... lol... 7 animals total. Leg for BOB given but not enough bucks for BOS. I only showed the 2. Kelly showed her buck, Kathy showed 3 between her and Ralph and then Collette in Langley showed an opal doe.
Hopefully way more at the next show? Kathy has like 50 Jerseys or something. Just need to work on her to show more!!

There were LOTS of mini lops though(biggest breed), and Flemish Giants, English lops and Netherland Dwarfs were next biggest breeds : )

Kim :- )