Saturday, June 21, 2008

A tough day

We had a very, very tough day today. First, last night coming home from ladysmith we blew TWO tires on our new truck. We knew when we bought the truck that was the thing that would need to be attended to before winter. But we didn't think it would happen so soon. So that will be $1000 this week. I have a truck payment coming out on Monday and an insurance payment on Wednesday ugh..

Then Harley our gorgeous Rottweiller, and the most incredible dog, had to be put to sleep. We called the vet to the farm as Harley took a turn, and it was best to put him to sleep. We are of course devastated.

We talked to Stan and Kathy and all the people have picked up their rabbits at WA State Convention so that is good. We took 5th of 21 solid jr does, and 10th of 21 solid jr does. The competition at WA State Convention is always fierce in the Mini lops, and our juniors were only 4 and 4 1/2 months old so we were happy they did place that well. We will see how they do tomorrow, and keep striving higher. Last year we took 1st in solid jr bucks AND does, and BOSV! At least we didn't have NP's!

We still have lots of empty cages with 10 rabbits being shipped to Quebec(they loved them!) and 25 rabbits going to WA as well! We weaned all the babies from the older litters that were still together. They had been away from mom for weeks but we didn't have the cage space to wean them all seperately.

We decided to keep Smokey, he was such a nice buck/is such a nice buck, still a little senior gangly.

Anyway I am going to go relax... It was a very emotional day, and I need to go destress.


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