Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring is finally here!

Well Spring is finally here on Vancouver Island. We had our first calf of the year born a couple of days ago. An adorable(aren't they all?) Black Angus bull calf. A sweetie! I will get pics in a few days. We are waiting on "Molly" who is bagged up and ready to go in the next week or two maybe even sooner! Molly is a pro, she has had quite a few calfs in her 10 years. Her last year calf was a Heifer. Actually both calfs last year were heifers, hoping for a heifer from her again this year!

I know what's a blog without pics, but I promise to get some in a few days. The cows enjoyed playing around the barnyard today and eating the foot tall grass that has been growing like crazy the past couple of weeks. I was going to get a pic of them today too, but I ran out of time. Tomorrow is an extra crazy day as we are off to Victoria to look at Trucks for our dad, and then if he buys one we will have to do all the insurance, and transferring etc. Then we have to get pics of our Uncles Skidder for sale, and get the van cleaned and ready to go to put up for sale, the same with our pick up. We hope to have both those cleaned and put up for sale by Friday at the latest as we found a truck! Now if only it would be there..... When we sell the other 2!

Crosses fingers : )

Rabbits are doing just fine. It was nice to have so many fewer with taking those ones up Island on Sunday. We have a shipment of 5 off to GA in a few weeks, and a few off to WA and possibly Utah as well.

If anyone on the Mainland or Interior reads this blog and is interested in stock, our friend Kelly from Black Creek is going to Kamloops this coming weekend(May 10th) and is willing to transport rabbits for $5 transport fee... She is going to the Langley Auction, Vernon and Kamloops as far as I know.

Anyway I will try to get pics of the cows and calf tomorrow or Wednesday! We just have 3 cows left, and 2 yearling heifers, plus the new bull calf. We lost Megan about 6 weeks ago, and just have Molly(Angus/Hereford cross), A red angus young cow who won't be bred for at least another year. She came from our uncles friend(our uncle owns the cows we just spoil them : ) and she is the ugliest looking cow. The others all have sleek shiny coats, and fat healthy bodies. This one is long coated and shaggy looking. She's been like that since he got her, and no amount of grain seems to change it so we are all hoping another year will make her look better lol. Then 2 black angus heifers from last year, and a black angus cow with the bull calf at her side.

Oh, I do have one pic for this blog.. Harley and River were sunbathing a couple of days ago on the step going into the barn. Harley is 150lbs, and River is 10... And they get along just fine!

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