Friday, July 25, 2008

It should be easier!

With all of our downsizing, we should find things easier. Right now, we are finding the rabbits more of a chore instead of a hobby. And when it gets to that point you know that you need to either cut down or get out. We love the rabbits, the shows, and our friends in the hobby too much to sell out. We would be lost without them! however, we do need to cut down. Cleaning twice a week or more, 150 holes, then 92 holes, then 76 holes was/is just getting to be too much. We don't have time with websites, book keeping, Shar Kare, dog training, the wedding, rabbits, the cats, the dogs, watering eons of plants(for the wedding) to spend so much time with the barn. And we like a clean, tidy, neat barn that we are proud of. With all that is happening the barn isn't lacking but our "me" time is! The heat doesn't help because between 3pm and 6pm we basically have to plan to be at the barn if the weather is anything above 24 degrees Celsius because despite a soaker hose on the roof, 4 fans(including an industrial fan), and frozen pop bottles the barn still can climb up there(it never goes above 28, 30 if it is 36 or more out) but it is uncomfortable for us and the rabbits. Anyway, this will be easier, better, and more fun! If that makes any sense. I talk fast, and I type fast and sometimes it just doesn't come out "right". I'm sure Andrea will be laughing at that comment LOL

One 4-hole stacker is sold w/duratrays. One 4 hole is spoken for. That leaves Andrea's stacker's, and we have 4 more stacker's to sell as well. The website for sale page is constantly updated through the day so just keep checking it out! No more stock to be posted for sale, but more senior stock will be for sale this fall after litters I'm sure. Although quite a few ARE spoken for.

Anyway I figured out we are keeping 36 animals, and we will be keeping 5 babies from our 5 litters.. Possibly a couple more if there is anything "really" nice : ) Like Ava had to go and have 3 gorgeous kids... so we had to of course keep all 3 : ) And Steal My Heart has 2 gorgeous kids we are keeping.. Even though we keep saying- we can only keep 1.. yeah that is working SO well LOL
Anyway we have exactly 50 holes we are keeping. 42 hanging cages, and 2-24 by 30 stackers. They are these gorgeous stackers with legs and they are so nice to clean and keep clean and wire brushing is so easy with them.. They had to stay LOL

I should be going to bed.. But I think my brain is going too many ways to sleep yet. So much has to be done this month before the wedding.

Tomorrow I am going to take the time and give the dogs a bath, then advantage them again. I haven't seen them scratch but Star just started a 2nd ago so maybe she got a flea. Sigh!! Damn things!!

With the does we are keeping :
These ones will be bred in August and September... We will breed a couple of does each month. Even though we are cutting back so much! Some of these aren't senior until end of September so won't be bred until then.

Cassady X As You like it- rebreed of Good as Gold
Ada X Braxtin- rebreed of her awesome s.tip doe that she has now!
Ocean Pearl X Brayden- then after that litter to be bred to Imagine. Both litters should produce blue chins : ) We will fill the waiting list hopefully!(and our barn with blue chins that are gorgeous hopefully LOL) love the color!
Heather Rose X Turtle- half sibling cross- expecting chocolates and lilacs Turtle is a REG/GC Chocolate buck
Velotta's Broken steel doe- not until end of September X Braxtin
Maggie X Braxtin(rebreed of the 2 she has now which are awesome, then Maggie will be retired and live out her days as a pet)
Brooklyn X Imagine- expecting Blues, Blue chins, after that litter next spring we will breed her to Brayden.
Steal My Heart X Black Jack

Black Beauty X As You like it
Penny if she doesn't sell X Turtle- 100% chocolate and lilac litter
And Addison and a few others will be bred as well but they are all on the show team for this summer. Black Beauty may be shown trying to get that last leg, and Steel My Heart we would love to show but she is over the max weight right now just weaning her litter... we shall see!


TLR said...

Hi Kim,

Would love to pass the BRILLANTE WEBLOG award for this great blog that you have been so faithfully updating.

Keep up the great work!

Please pick up the award at

God bless,
Timothy @ TLR

Sunny Brook Rabbitry said...

Thanks so much, Timothy! I will pick up the award tomorrow.

Again thank you!!! : )

Kim & Cristina : )